Sister Anne Victory talks about ways to find energy and hope when times are especially tough. Hear the full In Good Faith episode IGF041 at aNunsLife.org.
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Sister Anne Victory has led efforts against human trafficking for over a decade. She helped to establish the Collaborative to End Human Trafficking in 2007. One result of the Collaborative’s work is that over 60 agencies in NE Ohio–law enforcement, health care, social services, and others—are now connected to weave a safety net for the men, women, and children who are victims of human trafficking. Sister Anne is Director of Education at the Collaborative, and her background includes extensive experience as a nurse clinician, educator, and administrator.
Sister Maxine
This podcast is brought to you by one of our sponsors, Vision Vocation Network. I'm Sister Maxine, and my guest is Sister Anne Victory with the Collaborative to End Human Trafficking. Anne, as you've done this work for so many years--work that takes lots of time, energy, faith, collaboration--what has sustained and energized you to continue in this ministry that is so greatly needed in our world today?
Sister Anne Victory
Well, one of the things I know is that I never do it by myself. I always have to begin a day with prayer for about an hour, at least, so that I'm grounded, and can trust that the Spirit will guide me. And we always joke around here in the office that we better stay out of God's way. We don't know what's going to happen! We'll stay out of God's way and not try to get in the way of what God is asking of us. So that sense, and then the sense of supportive networks of people, certainly US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking has been a great support. My local colleagues here are a great support. My own community supports this work and supports me. And I rely on those relationships to bolster me on days when it's feeling like it's too big. I know I have to take breaks from it. Because some days it is overwhelming. And I need to do something else, to engage with nature, with art, with music--something else that bolsters my spirit for the work that still lies ahead.
Sister Maxine
When you mentioned wondering, what will God be asking of us today? Can you reflect on a time recently where God asked of you something that was unexpected, something that you maybe didn't feel prepared for?
Sister Anne Victory
One of the things that happened maybe a few months ago--one of our staff members had to leave the organization because she got a job offer she couldn't resist. So she did that. And because of that, I inherited what she was doing. And I was really overwhelmed. And I discovered that I just needed to do it a day at a time. I needed to respond to the needs right in front of me, and could rely on others who were working on the issue to help continue the effort. Because we don't want to stop the work just because one person has left. It also helped me realize that I better prepare for who's going to do the job when I can no longer do it. So that's one of our efforts as an organization here to be preparing the next generations to do the work.
Sister Maxine
Your statement also reflects to me a deep sense that the Spirit is active in this work.
Sister Anne Victory
That's absolutely the case. Did I ever think I'd be doing this? My mom used to ask me that question when she was alive and was always interested in what I was doing. "Did you ever think you'd be doing this?" And my answer was always no, I didn't. It's not what I envisioned and yet, this is where I'm called. So that's a continuing sense of support and strength that God takes us where we need to be, and God supports us in the efforts going forward for the sake of the mission.
This transcript has been lightly edited for readability.